Young adults prefer telephone for billing advice
A pan generations survey has shown that close to seven out of ten water customers prefer to receive communications relating to their water bill through digital channels with email the most popular across all ages. But young adults prefer a phone call more than the 65+ age group.
The research by billing software firm Echo Managed Services showed that 68% of respondents to its survey of 2,000 UK water bill payers aged up to 65+ “prefer to receive advice and support on their water bills via email.” The second most favoured route was postal at 54%.
Echo’s report: Affordability and the water sector includes the finding that, while just over half of young adult respondents up to the age of 25 (so-called Gen Z) preferred text messaging and WhatsApp, 59% preferred the telephone. Yet only 41% of those in the 65+ bracket favoured a phone call.