United Utilities ramps up proactive early adoption of sustainable drainage systems
United Utilities is ramping up its work with developers to adopt sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).
Ahead of the introduction of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act, which is expected to make sustainable drainage a compulsory part of all new housing developments, the company is starting to proactively work with developers to ensure SuDS are built to a standard that will enable it to adopt them promptly.
It has adopted the first three SuDS under the initiative already, which will prevent 37m litres of water from entering the sewer network. There are currently a further 35 schemes in the pipeline.
Graham Morley, developer services manager at United Utilities, said: “We’ve been working with developers for several years to offer incentives to those who build homes that are either water efficient or drain surface water sustainably since 2018. Across the region, 58,000 homes that feature measures to divert rainwater away from the sewer network have either been already built, or are in construction.
“Now we are ramping up our efforts and working with developers from the outset of projects to ensure that the SuDS they build can be adopted onto our network.”
United Utilities offers a 90% reduction in infrastructure charges for properties that do not connect surface water drains to existing sewers.