Tripartite agreement boosts customer role in Scotland’s upcoming price review

Scottish Water, the Water Industry Commission for Scotland (WICS), and Consumer Scotland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which positions customer views as central to decision-making regarding investment and charging at the next price review.
Under the MoU, the public will be engaged throughout the Strategic Review of Charges for 2027-2033. It will be delivered under three pillars of work: evidence, challenge and confirmation. Consumer research will provide evidence for the Independent Customer Group to challenge Scottish Water’s decision-making as it develops its business plan. The final confirmation stage will ask consumers whether Scottish Water’s final business plan commands their support.
Alex Plant, chief executive of Scottish Water (pictured centre), said: "When developing our plans and investment for the future, we must balance legal requirements and ministerial expectations with the views of our customers… This agreement marks a significant step towards achieving a customer-centric approach in the SRC27 process, to ensure Scottish Water is independently challenged, and that our customer engagement is robust, transparent, and effective.”
Sam Ghibaldan, chief executive of Consumer Scotland (pictured left), said: “This is a groundbreaking agreement that asks consumers whether Scottish Water’s final business plan commands their support, a significant innovation on previous SRC processes.”
David Satti, interim chief executive of WICS (pictured right), added: “This partnership will help ensure that our final determination of charges commands consumers’ support, embedding open engagement, robust research and independent challenge.”