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by Trevor Loveday

Thames Water joins jobs-for-refugees group

Thames Water has joined a recently-formed coalition of 70 companies that are committed to helping refugees become job ready and secure employment in the UK.

Thames said joining the coalition – Tent UK – was part of its “commitment to a diverse and inclusive workforce.” 

Tent UK claims to offer support to employers through “advice on how to set up successful refugee-hiring programmes,” and “resources, trainings, and best practices tailored to the UK context.” This, it said, is “based on its global network of more than 400 companies across a dozen countries.”

It said it makes “introductions to best-in-class partners across the UK that can source refugee talent based on the type of roles, the location, and their past performance.”


Thames Water said it was the first UK water company to join Tent UK and was looking to hire refugees into “a range of roles across its operations.” 

Director of Resourcing, Skills and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at Thames Water, Karima Khandker, said: “This is a noteworthy opportunity to support both refugees into work, and our plans to build a pipeline of skills from our communities to ensure we have a diverse and inclusive workforce that represents the customers we serve.” 


Chief executive of Tent, Gideon Maltz, said: “The coalition of companies that has come together to launch Tent UK understands that we need to act at scale to help hundreds of thousands of refugees in the UK secure jobs, rebuild their lives, and integrate into their new communities. Tent is uniquely placed and ready to help companies develop ambitious programmes to include refugees.”  


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