Submission guidance approved ahead of Bilaterals' Hub launch
Ahead for the first process going live through MOSL’s new Bilaterals' Hub on Wednesday, Ofwat has approved with amendments the Bilateral Hub Submission Guidance developed by MOSL to mitigate against potential delays for customers which might result from bulk submissions, if they are not appropriately governed.
Ofwat said the guidance does not restrict submission of 'business as usual' requests but seeks to manage the submission of requests relating to bespoke data cleansing exercises. The guidance prevents the stockpiling of requests – they must be submitted as soon as reasonably practicable following receipt and, in any event, in accordance with the timescales provided by the Wholesale Retail Code.
Ofwat said trading parties may agree to stagger bulk submissions and or utilise deferrals to alleviate the risk of Operational Performance Standard failure. But: “We expect deferrals to be used in exceptional circumstances, and trading parties should note that MOSL may monitor the use of deferrals relating to bulk submissions.”
The guidance was approved as an interim measure, with the enduring solution to be developed during the next phase of the bilaterals programme.