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  • by Karma Loveday

Scottish Water charges to rise to levels consistent with WICS’ price review from April

Scottish Water bills will rise by 8.8% on average from 1 April, adding £35.95 a year to charges.

The board has, for the 2024-25 year, set charges at a level consistent with the final determination for 2021-2027 set by WICS.

The company explained that significant increased investment is needed to deal with rapidly increasing climate change impacts, population shift, and ageing infrastructure. Moreover, that around 50% of households in Scotland receive financial support with their charges as they automatically have either a discount, exemption or reduction applied to their water charges.

Chief executive, Alex Plant, commented: “Whilst increases in bills are never welcome, and we acknowledge that cost of living pressures remain, this 70p a week on average increase will set us on a pathway to recover ground lost over the past two years when charges were set at a level lower than allowed for under the regulatory settlement.”

In a blog, he explained that setting increases below the level allowed in the regulatory settlement, in recognition of  the unprecedented circumstances of the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis, had reduced investment by £500m. “To now ‘kick the can down the road’ on investing for resilience in the face of climate change, would be to consign future generations to lower levels of service and big bill increases to recover lost ground. That just wouldn’t be fair.”

In the Scottish Parliament, Conservative Graham Simpson challenged that bills would rise 29% over three years, if Scottish Water introduced 8.8% rises each year until 2026-27, as reported. First minister, Humza Yousaf, would not be drawn, arguing charges are set annually by the Scottish Water board, and defending Scottish Water’s performance.


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