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by Trevor Loveday

Scottish first minister names new cabinet

First minister, John Swinney, has announced a new Scottish cabinet.

The cabinet of eleven, comprises:

  • Kate Forbes as deputy first minister, with the economy portfolio and responsibility for Gaelic;

  • Shona Robison remaining in the cabinet with responsibility for finance and local government;

  • Jenny Gilruth remaining as cabinet secretary for education and skills;

  • Angela Constance remaining as cabinet secretary for justice and home affairs;

  • Màiri McAllan remaining in the cabinet with responsibility for net zero and energy;

  • Fiona Hyslop remaining as cabinet secretary for transport;

  • Neil Gray remaining as cabinet secretary for health and social care;

  • Shirley-Anne Somerville remaining as cabinet secretary for social justice;

  • Angus Robertson remaining as cabinet secretary for constitution, external affairs and culture; and

  • Mairi Gougeon remaining as cabinet secretary for rural affairs, land reform and islands.


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