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Public water quality report shows steady compliance at greater than 99.9%

by Trevor Loveday

The three yearly Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) report on tapwater quality in England showed all but unchanged compliance over the 2017-19 report period at greater than 99.9% compliance in all public supply categories.

According to the Drinking Water Quality in England: a trennial report 2017-2019, Compliance in germ contamination limits was unchanged over the three years at 99.98%; for chemical impurities it was 99.94% and pesticide compliance stepped up each year from 99.98% in 2017 to 100% in 2019.

Compliance with indicator parameters: dissolved oxygen, turbidity, organisms that signal ecosystem health, nitrates, acidity and temperature 99.95% in 2017 falling to and remaining at 99.94% for the following two years.

Failure to meet chemical limits was highest for lead at an average of about 0.63% – some three times that for the other highest instances on non-compliance.

The inspectorate reported it has published research on long-term strategies to reduce lead in drinking water, and “as part of the government’s green recovery initiative, two water companies are trialling innovative lead pipe replacement schemes.”

In pesticides, non-compliance with metaldehyde (slug poisons) levels showed the most dramatic changes with a fall from greater than 0.005% in 2017 to 0.001% in 2019. From 31 March 2021 no further supply of metaldehyde will be permitted said the report, although distributors will continue to be able to sell stocks and use can continue until 31 March 2022.


Source DWI


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