Portsmouth Water tops Ofwat’s latest customer experience ranking
Portsmouth Water has topped the table in the latest results from the regulatory measure of customer experience (C-Mex). The company has consistently ranked in the top three since C-MeX was introduced five years ago, and in the 2022-23 results came second.
Portsmouth said the key to its success was the dedication and hard work of its people; that collaboration, innovation and a shared commitment across its teams to excellence had been instrumental in achieving industry leading performance in customer service measures.
Chief executive, Bob Taylor, said: “We have made a commitment to deliver…excellent standards of service. Our high customer service ranking, our strong performance on water supply interruptions and our high standards of water quality are clear indications that we are delivering on our commitments. Our laser focus on the needs of our customers always remains top of our priorities.”
Ofwat has not yet published the full set of C-MeX results for 2023-24.