Jacobs’ gap analysis unveils strategic water resource openings
Gap analysis conducted by Jacobs for the Regulators’ Alliance for Progressing Infrastructure Development (RAPID) has identified a range of opportunities beyond those contained in the current suite of Strategic Regional Options, that have potential to increase the availability and sharing of water resources.
The research developed ‘national and regional criteria' to assess the options, as well as ‘best value criteria’ which factored in manufactured, human and natural capital as well as financial capital. It also looked at options that exist outside of the public water supply sector, for example using navigation or flood management assets.
Thirty options previously rejected by individual water companies when developing their Water Resources Management Plans (WRMPs) for PR19 that it said are worthy of reconsideration when taking a regional and/or national perspective – “they have the potential to contribute more than 50 Ml/d for the benefit of more than a single water company”. It advised more work be done to understand the reasons for exclusion in each case.
Six new options not identified in the list of WRMP19 rejected options which are feasible by 2040. • Five new transfer options not identified in the list of WRMP19 rejected options that can be utilised to establish and improve water sharing and resilience between regions.
Several opportunities for increasing and sharing water resources outside the public water sector such as flood risk management, energy, agriculture, mining and navigation.
Jacobs put forward 20 recommended actions to take the findings forward, including to better understand future opportunities; to develop an improved regulatory approach; to consider alternative sources of funding; and for consideration by the regional water resource planning groups in developing regional plans.