Have your say on a fresh future for water management – respond by 26 September
The A Fresh Water Future project is seeking views and evidence on how we should be managing water in the UK considering current and future pressures. Have your say by completing the survey by 26 September.
A Fresh Water Future is an independently-funded project, delivered by CIWEM but overseen by a range of environmental NGOs, experts and practitioners, which aims to understand where consensus may be built on how water should be managed better in the future.
It aims to develop an ambitious but informed and workable future vision and approach to managing water throughout the UK, to which a wide range of parties with roles to play in delivering healthy and resilient freshwaters can commit.
The survey asks general water management questions, with more focused sections on water industry, agriculture and land management, and urban water management.
Project findings will be launched at the end of the year and promoted to Government, Parliamentarians and all interested stakeholders.