Half of long-unread business meters could be read, OccuTrace investigation finds
Half the long unread meters (LUMs) in the non household retail market are likely to be readable, a project undertaken by OccuTrace for MOSL has found.
Under Project Looking Glass, OccuTrace visited a random sample of 1,935 externally located LUMs as registered in CMOS. It captured 493 readings during these visits, and used the experience to suggest the following about LUMs in the market:
40% are definitely readable;
12% are probably readable;
22% are probably unreadable;and
26% are almost certainly unreadable.
The project report set out a series of corrective actions trading parties could take to address each type of classifications.
Definitely readable
Retailers to develop contracts with reading agencies to include these meters or to seek alternative reading methods or opportunities. A bilateral should be raised where exchange or removal has taken place. Probably readable
Paired trading parties to conduct a one-off exercise to improve location details, site conditions and other relevant information and update CMOS. Probably unreadable
Retailers to raise a bilateral for wholesalers to conduct a detailed site and pipework investigation, make any repairs or improvements to the meter location as necessary and update location details in CMOS.
Almost certainly unreadable
Retailers to raise bilateral to wholesalers where evidence demonstrates the meter cannot be found or read. MOSL said it would use the findings to direct and support future metering projects and to drive a potential NHH National Metering Strategy.