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Galliford Try wins contract at Northumbrian Water to up capacity for rest of AMP7

by Karma Loveday

Northumbrian Water has selected the environment business at construction group, Galliford Try, as its preferred contractor in projects to up capacity for water and wastewater treatment for the remainder of the AMP7.

Northumbrian selected Galliford Try from its Runway 3 Capital Construction Works framework, to provide

additional capacity for water and wastewater treatment projects. The new arrangement under Northumbrian’s capital construction works framework will have Galliford Try working alongside its capital supply chain to “optimise delivery through batching and continuity, with integrated design and construct frameworks at the core.”

Managing director of Galliford Try’s Environment business, Steve Slessor, said: “This success represents a significant breakthrough for us as we build on our capability of water asset optimisation.”


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