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Free hourly data features in new National Metering Strategy for the Non-Household Market

by Karma Loveday

Water wholesalers will be expected to share raw hourly data from smart metering with retailers free of charge under the National Metering Strategy for the Non-Household Market, unveiled last week by the Strategic Panel.

The strategy – developed by the market’s most senior governing body with support from MOSL, the Metering Committee, trading parties and other stakeholders – said wholesalers may charge for initial set up costs as well as additional services such as 15 minute data and data analysis. It is up to each wholesaler to determine its charges, but the Panel suggested relevant considerations.

The strategy aims to maximise smart meter rollout speed, efficiency and transparency by recommending a framework and identifying opportunities for consistency and standardisation among wholesalers, as well as addressing how wholesalers and retailers should work together, share data and provide a good level of service to customers. Its many recommendations cover: rollout planning, communications, asset data and performance, meter reading, data sharing, continuous flow and leakage, and meters not earmarked for smart upgrade.

The strategy builds on the April 2023 interim plan, and wholesalers are expected to incorporate the recommendations in their individual metering implementation plans.


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