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Developers push back on nutrient neutrality requirements

by Karma Loveday

Developers are pushing back over nutrient neutrality rules after Defra’s March decision to extend the constraints on building to an additional 42 local authorities, taking the total number affected to 74.

The rules prevent planning authorities from permitting applications for any home building until developers prove they are not adding to nutrient pollution in catchments where nitrate or phosphate pollution is significant.

According to press reports last week, the Home Builders Federation (HBF) has estimated that up to 120,000 new homes have been delayed as a result of the nutrient neutrality requirement.

In a report quantifying the economic losses associated with the under-delivery of homes before the additional March designations, HBF modelled 50,000-60,000 dwellings not being delivered as a result of the nutrient issue. It said this would reduce the economic output produced by developers by £270m-£305m; reduce jobs by 170,000-193,000; and reduce affordable housing delivery to the value of over £1bn.


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