Defra calls on public authorities to draw up biodiversity policies
Defra has published guidance on complying with the biodiversity duty introduced by the Environment Act. This requires public authorities – including water companies as statutory undertakers – to consider what they can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity; agree policies and specific objectives based on this consideration; and deliver these policies to achieve the objectives.
The guidance covers the timetable for compliance, relevant policy, suggested actions to consider and reporting.
Under the January 2023 Environmental Improvement Plan, Government committed to halt the decline of species abundance and protect 30% of UK land by 2030, and by 2042, to increase species abundance by at least 10% from 2030, surpassing 2022 levels; restore or create at least 500,000 ha of a range of wildlife rich habitats; reduce the risk of species extinction; and restore 75% of the one million hectares of terrestrial and freshwater protected sites to favourable condition.