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Consumer Scotland produces guidance for public bodies to meet new Consumer Duty

by Karma Loveday

Statutory consumer body Consumer Scotland is consulting until 16 June on draft guidance for public bodies to help them meet the incoming Consumer Duty.

The duty was introduced under the Consumer Scotland Act, passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2020. Under the duty, public bodies in Scotland, including Scottish Water, must consider the impact on consumers in Scotland when they make strategic decisions – including reducing harm.

The new duty came into force on 1 April, with a 12-month implementation period before it comes fully into effect.

The guidance comprises an overall document, a document for senior decision makers, and a document on carrying out an impact assessment.

It is for individual public authorities to determine whether a decision is strategic but the guidance suggested that “strategic decisions tend to be key, high-level decisions taken by senior decision makers that fulfils the body’s intended purpose over a significant period. This could include deciding priorities and setting objectives but can also be made over the short or medium-term, particularly when responding to urgent emerging circumstances.”


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