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Anglian Water launches "whole-life carbon" approach to decisions

by Trevor Loveday

Anglian Water has unveiled a “whole-life carbon and cost in design concept”, developed with funding from the Ofwat Innovation Fund.

The project, Enabling Whole Life Carbon in Design, will “put carbon at the heart of both design and governance decision-making processes and on an equal footing with cost,” according to the water company. Led by Anglian Water alongside Affinity Water and Welsh Water, the project’s supporting partners were the @one Alliance, Skanska and Sweco.

Anglian claimed that the project “provides the tools and processes required to support the cultural and behavioural changes necessary to deliver investments with low, whole-life carbon and costs and, ultimately, zero carbon emissions.” It was supported by Spring Innovation through its enhanced knowledge transfer service which shares and disseminates findings through its collaborative network.

Anglian Water said there will be an introductory webinar on 4 October 2023, to present the project to the wider sector. That will be followed by three technical online workshops on 7, 14 and 21 November 2023, which Anglian said will provide details on the components needed for organisations to implement it.

Project lead, and innovation project manager at @one Alliance, Laura Taylor, said, it is was sharing its methodology and database template with the rest of the UK water industry and its wider value chain, “to enable it to make clear decisions regarding carbon reduction based on data insights and visualisations.” She went on to say “the methodology, tools and processes that have been developed can be tailored to any part of the built environment sector and any project, irrespective of size.”

Register HERE for the launch of the Whole Life Carbon webinar.

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