Anglian Water in artificial intelligence-run asset management trial
Norwegian digital analytics firm, Info Tiles is planning to begin a proof of concept project for its artificial intelligence-driven software to manage more than 300 biofilters, along with pumps and valves in Anglian Water wastewater treastment plants. The project is an extension from 24 sites at a recently completed pilot to 100 sites.
Anglian Water said its ambition is “to move towards fully integrating the InfoTiles technology to enhance day-to-day operational visibility.” It forecasted that the technology will “create better-informed asset management decision-making and allow for further understanding of maintenance prioritisation of water recycling assets.”
Anglian said the Info Tiles technology can “visualise and model process data through machine-learning to show the likelihood of critical failures in wastewater treatment.” And the water company predicted that, when fully integrated, the technology will enable it to “easily trial and compare different sensor technologies for reliability and accuracy.”
Anglian Water said its main goal in the collaboration is to “augment its efforts to prevent serious pollution events from its water recycling centres”.