Anglian Water framework alliance regroups
Anglian Water has affirmed that its @one Alliance will continue to deliver a £2.6bn package of asset management programmes for AMP8 with all of its existing members, and the return of Binnies to the group.
Along with Binnies, the alliance comprises Balfour Beatty, Barhale, Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB), MWH Treatment, Skanska and SWECO.
The £2.6bn investment portfolio forms part of Anglian Water’s record £9bn proposed plans for investment across the East of England between 2025 and 2030.
Managing director of the @one Alliance, Ian Hutchinson, said: “Alliancing in this way allows partners to reimagine traditional ways of working by encouraging innovative thinking, advancement of new technology, and collaborative working between partners.
“By combining the @one Alliance’s partners’ years of investing in innovation and efficient delivery, we’ve been able to decrease the total cost of our proposed AMP8 plans from £10bn to £9bn.”