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Scottish Water hits 99.9% compliance with drinking water quality standards

by Karma Loveday

Scottish Water’s compliance with drinking water quality standards hit 99.9% in 2018, according the the latest annual report of the Drinking Water Quality Regulator (DWQR).

The report also highlighted that the number of water quality incidents requiring detailed investigation by the DWQR fell in 2018, “suggesting that Scottish Water’s efforts to improve is paying off”.

Commenting on the publication, Sue Petch the Drinking Water Quality Regulator, said: “Scotland’s consumers can be reassured that the quality of drinking water supplied to their taps by Scottish Water continues to be high. In spite of this, further improvements are still needed. I expect Scottish Water to ensure water quality continues to get better across Scotland.”

The DWQR has a role in helping to define Scottish Water’s investment programme and is an active participant in the Strategic Review of Charges for 2021-17 currently underway.

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