EurEau elects Castell-Exner new president

Europe’s water services representative body EurEau has elected Dr Claudia Castell-Exner as president for the next two years.
Castell-Exner leads the water management, quality and usage team and is the director of European water policy at German association, DVGW. Bureau has also elected four new committee chairs including Sarah Gillman (pictured) of Water UK who is the new co-chair of the EurEau Committee on waste water.
The other three new committee appointments are:
Tom Leahy of Ireland’s CCMA as chair of the EurEau Committee on drinking water;
Michaël Bentvelsen of The Netherlands’ Unie van Watterschappen and Vewin as co-Chair of the EurEau Committee on waste water;and
Bruno Tisserand of France’s FP2E as chair of the EurEau Committee on economics and legal affairs.