Supply chain skills needed to achieve net zero by 2030
Water UK is to call on the water industry to harness the skills and expertise of the supply chain in its bid to produce net zero carbon by 2030.
Chair of Water UK’s carbon working group, Anglian Water's David Riley, will tell British Water’s Net Zero 2030 digital conference on 1 July: “It is great that water companies of England have come together and announced this collective ambition. We all recognise it is a huge mountain to climb but it is achievable with the leadership we are now seeing, the alignment of ambition across companies, the supply chain and regulators, and the embracing of innovation.
“With the sector and supply chain acting in isolation, reductions in carbon would be made, but not to the levels required for net zero 2030. The sector has to be open to the opportunities the supply chain promotes - and the supply chain needs to respond to the challenge.”