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  • by Karma Loveday

Sector bodies respond to PR24 draft methodology

A number of sector bodies published their responses to Ofwat’s draft methodology for PR24 last week. These included:

Water UK – the water company trade body supported Ofwat’s focus on the long term, net zero and wider environmental agenda. However it called for the regulatory framework to evolve further to deliver these ambitions, and criticised the “lack of weight” attached to the CMA’s PR19 redeterminations.

See Water UK's response HERE.

Waterwise – the water efficiency specialist criticised the draft methodology for leaving water efficiency as “way too niche”. It called for more ambition, including through setting a 20% minimum spend on water efficiency in company water resource management plans, and not classifying a company business plan as ‘outstanding’ or even ‘standard’ unless it sets out really ambitious water efficiency investment and plans.

See Waterwise's response HERE.

British Water – the supplier trade body highlighted the supply chain does not feature in the draft methodology or consultation questions, because its relationship with regulation is indirect. It called on Ofwat to acknowledge the supply chain is an important part of the water community, and sought improvements in terms of the pace of innovation and the cyclical nature of expenditure programmes.

See British Water's response HERE.


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