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by Trevor Loveday

Report shows highways engineers' "critical gap" in knowledge of drainage systems

A recent survey by a surface water drainage firm has revealed that highways engineers have “a critical knowledge gap” relating to the implementation and maintenance of drainage systems.

ACO Water Management said its survey of highway engineers revealed that 55% had worked on at least one project where maintenance of drainage had not been considered. And according to ACO, while 67% of respondents “were confident of a clear maintenance strategy being put in place post-installation,” only 22% were very confident.

ACO said its poll of 100 highway engineers also revealed, “a lack of understanding on load class specification,” with only 56% saying they fully understood “the specification requirements for highways works in relation to linear drainage channel and combined kerb drainage load classification.”

The survey report describes “confusion on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). It said only 44% of respondents fully understand’ the Simple Index Approach to the SuDS Manual, while just 1% said they did not face any barriers in SuDS schemes.” And it found that 53% of respondent agreed that wildlife mitigation was “an afterthought when it comes to planning projects.”

Specialist design and application engineer at ACO Water Management, Terry Wilkinson, said the survey unearthed “a number of reasons for this lack of knowledge, including the potential misinterpretation on the Manual of Contract Documents for Highways Works guidance.”


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