Government seeks views on future of England's trees

The government has begun to sound out views from all quarters on plans to accelerate tree planting and improve the management of existing trees and woodlands in England.
According to Defra, the 12-week consultation will inform a new strategy on the future creation and management of the England’s trees, woodlands and forests.
Ultimately the new England Tree Strategy will, according to the government, set out policies to expand tree cover, support woodland management and increase public engagement with trees and woodlands. “It will help ensure the government's tree planting commitment – to increase tree planting to 30,000 hectares per year across the UK by 2025 - is delivered, working closely with the devolved administrations, communities and landowners to do so,” said Defra.
The government is asking for views on:
how to expand, protect and improve our public and private trees and woodlands,
the increased role that trees and woodlands can play in supporting the economy,
how best to further connect people to nature, and
the most effective way in which trees and woodlands can be created and managed to help combat climate change.