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CCW urges Universal Credit claimants to check out schemes for low-income consumers

by Trevor Loveday

Water consumer watchdog, CCW is urging water customers claiming Universal Credit to make sure they don’t miss out on support to keep their water bills affordable ahead of a cut in their payments next month by £20 a week.

CCW said three-quarters of consumers were unaware that water companies have schemes that can reduce the bills of low-income households.

The watchdog is working with the industry to strengthen existing support through its own package of proposals which – with the backing of the water industry and government – could end water poverty for 1.5m customers across England and Wales.

Chief executive of CCW, Emma Clancy, said: “There is a crisis looming for many vulnerable households this autumn. We know existing support does not go far enough to end water poverty but it does have the potential to ease the pressure on some households as they head towards an uncertain winter.”

CCW said it research has revealed that low-income consumers are already going to extreme lengths to save on water and energy costs – including missing meals or washing clothes while taking a shower.

CCW wants to help end these cases of extreme hardship through the recommendations in its May 2021 review of water affordability which includes the existing “patchwork” of support with a single social tariff for England and Wales. The proposed tariff would ensure no-one ever has to spend more than 5% of their income - after housing costs.


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