A dozen utilities team up in drive to boost priority register awareness
A dozen companies from the energy and water sectors have partnered in a bid to help people understand better eligibility for inclusion in the Priority Services Register and the services it offers.
Central to the campaign is an animated video developed by the partnership and 35 charities that seeks to explain clearly the free help available from utilities in the event of a gas, water or electricity outage.
The companies - Affinity Water, Anglian Water, Northumbrian Water, Essex and Suffolk Water, SES Water, SGN, South East Water, Southern Water, Thames Water, UK Power Networks, Cadent Gas and Cambridge Water - are all members of the Utility Networks Partnership.
Chair of the Utility Networks Partnership, UK Power Networks’ Kerry Potter (pictured), said: “When 12 utility companies share a consistent message, we can help far more people. Collaboration is key to tackling vulnerability and our utility networks group work together to provide consistent services for vulnerable customers.”