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MPs seek evidence ahead of scrutiny of Defra's record on resilience of supply

by Trevor Loveday

The Committee for Climate Change is calling for evidence on the UK’s water supply management ahead of its 1 June questioning of officials from Defra, Ofwat and the Environment Agency on “Defra’s leadership and its work to strengthen the resilience of water supply.”

In its call for evidence the committee cites a recent report from the National Audit Office (NAO) and its criticism of Defra “over its failure to highlight water reduction targets and poor public messaging around the need to reduce water use.”

It highlights other points raised in the NAO report including its finding that Defra’s failure to ensure water efficiency is a priority across government and to fulfil a 2018 commitment to set a per capita consumption target for water companies.

The committee requires evidence before the end of Wednesday 27 May.

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