Government declares testing available to all essential workers with Covid signs
The government has declared that testing for coronavirus infection is available to all key works in the water industry and other sectors who are showing symptoms of Covid 19.
Those eligible for testing include key workers in:
water, including sewerage;
waste disposal; and
food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery.
Secretary of State for the Environment George Eustice said: “Testing is now open to all employees in these critical industries and to members of their households who are showing symptoms. This means those who do not test positive are able to return to work as quickly as possible.”
An online system is available to essential workers if they are experiencing symptoms – a high temperature or new continuous cough – at one of the more than 42 drive-through testing centres in the UK, or receive a home testing kit.
Test results from the drive-through sites will be sent out by text within 48 hours and within 72 hours of collection of the home delivery tests.