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South East region will need an extra 1bn litres of water a day by 2050

by Karma Loveday

According to Water Resources South East (WRSE), the total additional water needed by all water users in the South East region is projected to be just over 1 billion litres per day at 2050 and almost 1.7 billion litres per day at 2100.

The regional water resources planning group, funded by Affinity, Portsmouth, SES, Thames, South East and Southern Water, published current projections of Future Water Requirements for South East England last week. This sets out its forecast of how much additional water will be needed between 2025 and 2100 to secure resilient and sustainable water supplies for the region, both for the public water supply and other major users

WRSE said the publication was the first step in the development of a multi-sector, regional resilience plan and invited others to put forward options for consideration in that plan. This could include new sources of water, catchment solutions or innovative demand management options.

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