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Consumer watchdog consults on draft forward look programme

by Trevor Loveday

The Consumer Council for Water has launched a consultation on its draft Forward Work Programme in England and Wales for 2020-23.

The watchdog has laid out three “strategic ambitions”:

  • fair charges that everyone can afford – with top of the list, “balancing fair and affordable bills with investment and maintenance”;

  • outstanding services that are always delivered right first time, including “excellent service for consumers, that reflect consumers’ views and experiences with zero tolerance of failure”; and

  • a safe, reliable service now and for the future including “the water industry manages the known challenges and prepares for the unknown challenges of our changing climate.”

CC Water said it will, from April 2020, conduct four campaigns highlighted in the draft programme. They will be:

  • improve water regulation for consumers;

  • create excellent, accessible and affordable services for all;

  • get the basics right for water consumers; and

  • ensure water and sewerage services are fit for the future

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