by Karma Loveday

Defra sets out group vision

Defra has published a strategy setting out the whole Defra group’s vision, objectives and goals. The department said the document Creating a great place for living, was intended to provide staff across the whole group of organisations (including non-ministerial departments, executive agencies, non-departmental and other public bodies) with a clear understanding of how the group is fulfilling the strategy's title.

The document listed Defra’s four objectives as:

  • to pass on to the next generation a natural environment protected and enhanced for the future;

  • to lead the world in food, farming and fisheries with a sustainable model of food production;

  • to deliver a safe and ambitious departure from the EU, setting global standards in protecting and harnessing value from the natural environment;and

  • to be an outstanding organisation focused on making a difference with a world class delivery capability.

The document also set out five principles to inform Defra’s actions and ten goals underpinning the vision, including, in the second spot, ‘clean rivers and a resilient water supply’. The department vowed to “reform how our water industry works to improve the resilience of our water supply”, and to work with farmers on catchment- based approaches to water management.

Defra’s Single Departmental Plan describes the actions Defra carries out to achieve the objectives.