by Karma Loveday

Shadow market and exit applications opened on time on Monday

All companies hit the Open Water programme deadline of entering shadow market operation by Monday 3 October. MOSL reported that all but one company completed their final data uploads on or ahead of schedule, meaning some 2.26m of 2.6m supply points identifiers (SPIDs) were uploaded into the Central Market Operating System on time.

The shortfall was a result of difficulties experienced by Water Plus in loading some of Severn Trent’s data. However because a portion of Severn Trent’s SPID portfolio had been loaded, the company was able to participate in the shadow phase from the outset, and enable the programme to claim a full house. MOSL chief executive Ben Jeffs confirmed the market operator would work the problems through with the affected teams, adding: “Water Plus have processes in place so that customers are not affected by their system issue and we are planning to undertake further data uploads from them in October and November to complete this process.”

Meanwhile DEFRA opened its doors on schedule (also 3 October) to applications from incumbents wishing to exit the non household retail market.

See October’s The Water Report, out next week, for a full update on the start of shadow operation.